As market conditions constantly change so do the laws and regulations governing International Trade. It is the legal responsibility of the importer to properly declare the value, classification and rate of duty applicable for entered merchandise. It is also the responsibility of the importer to understand and abide by the latest regulations.
The US Government along with Department of Homeland Security has provided a website which may prove beneficial to the customer importing product to the US.
Please find following the weblink with additional valuable insight and assistance to anyone importing product from another country. This site is a great resource for the latest information on specific laws, regulations or procedures that may affect your import transactions.
Customs Border Protection (CBP) has a number of Informed Compliance publications (ICPs) in the "What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: ..." series. The subjects listed are available for reading or downloading depending on the consumers need. The first date shown is the original publication date. The subsequent dates, if any, show the revisions.
If you have any questions considering your classifications, documentation or other import questions please give your local South East World Wide representative a call to schedule an appointment.